Chief Medical Officer

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Chief Medical Officer

von Richard236 am 23.08.2022 03:59

Chief Medical OfficerAs soon as Wang Rongbiao saw Jia Renliang's appearance, he knew that Ge Shirong had probably thought of countermeasures. He rubbed his hands and said 12539. : "I'm not in a hurry. I can't help it. This new county magistrate is too tricky. He can go wherever he has something to do. He can catch one accurately. As soon as Mao Bude's case was cleared up, he went into Makui Mountain again.". If it goes on like this, we'll all have to go in. "Kao!" Ge Shirong spoke with displeasure. He was not satisfied with Wang Rongbiao's frustrated words. What do you mean we all have to go in? Even if he had gone in, I wouldn't have gone in! But what Wang Rongbiao said, or let Ge Shirong some worry, when the boy just took office, Jia Renliang this dog-headed strategist suggested to do a few things, mercilessly brake the other side's spirit, this plan was stopped by himself. Who would have thought that Ceng Yi that boy is still excited, through the matter has got rid of his two generals. Even if Mao Bude, anyway, the Education Bureau has no power, not to mention any oil and water, but today Ma Kuishan also had an accident, Ge Shirong can no longer wait for death. Longwo township is their own basic plate, inside a lot of shady once see the light, oneself also finished, is to sacrifice a Mao Bude, also can't let Ceng Yi hand into Longwo township. This is Ge Shirong's core interest and must not be violated. You go back! Ge Shirong opened his mouth and said to Wang Rongbiao, "Be honest with me recently. If you make any more mistakes, I'll be the first to punish you!" Wang Rongbiao nodded hurriedly and said, "Don't worry, County Magistrate Ge. I won't do anything after I go back. I'll just watch them and never let them cause any more trouble." From this sentence,water filling machine, Wang Rongbiao knew that the matter of Ma Kuishan would never involve himself. He knew that Ge Shirong must have a way to solve this matter, but he did not go to inquire about it. Anyway, as long as it did not involve himself, Wang Rongbiao left politely. Ge Shirong sat on the sofa and pondered for a moment. Finally he sighed and said, "Old Jia, go back, too!" Jia Renliang stood up and said, "County Magistrate Ge, don't be in chaos. Let yourself be in chaos." With that,juice filling machine, Jia Renliang took a splayed step and went out of the door. Director Bao, is there a secretary named Liu Xiang in the secretarial section? At work, Zeng Yi called Bao Qifan over and asked. Bao Qifan a little sluggish, a little understand Ceng Yi's meaning, this is to determine the candidate for the secretary of the county magistrate, the secretary section does have a name Liu Xiang assigned to the county government office for several years, now even a deputy director of the section has not been evaluated, because this Liu Xiang temper is too straight, often talk nonsense, criticize the current situation, provoke other people often to complain, it can be imagined. This kind of person is no leader willing to like, so he is responsible for proofreading the manuscript in the secretarial school and looking for typos. How could the county magistrate Zeng take a fancy to him? Bao Qifan was a little surprised. When he handed over the information to the county magistrate Zeng, he also deliberately put a few more lively and useful officers in front of him, and made a mark. How did the county magistrate Zeng finally choose Liu Xiang? "County magistrate, there is a secretary named Liu Xiang!" Bao Qifan hesitated, Blowing Filling Capping combiblock ,PET blowing machine, since he was appointed by the county magistrate, of course, he could not say much, but if he did not say it, he seemed incompetent and not loyal enough, so he hesitated and hesitated. If you have anything to say, just say it! Zeng Yi said. I still know Liu Xiang. He is from Fengqing County. He graduated from a famous university and was brought back by the county government as a talented person. He is really a little talented, but he can't control his mouth. If he doesn't like it, he will speak out directly. Bao Qifan simply made it clear and said, "To tell you the truth, he is not very suitable for working in an office. Maybe it is more suitable for him to be a reporter in a newspaper office." Zeng Yi smiled and said, "Director Bao's statement is very interesting, and he has a way of looking at people." Bao Qifan said, "The main thing is that I have been in contact for several years, and I will say whatever I have." Ceng Yi thought for a moment and said, "Let him have a try outside first. If it doesn't work, I'll transfer him to the county newspaper office to exercise according to what you said." Bao Qifan could not say anything more and said, "OK, I'll go to find him later and explain to him carefully.".
" Out of the door, Bao Qifan is also secretly this Liu Xiang good luck, who do not want the head of the matter, but now has been the county magistrate to take a fancy to, if done well, then in the future can be a magnificent secretary of the county magistrate, say a word may be more useful than their own office director. Ceng Yi chose this Liu Xiang, not on a whim before he read all the information, have noticed this Liu Xiang, Liu Xiang is not welcome, this is also a big advantage, shows that he has no mistakes in the county complex root, with all the forces are not very close to the bottom details at least clean and innocent, this is the most important. The situation in Fengqing County is now complex, in case of picking the wrong person, then their every move, can not hide from others, there is an insider tip off, they can not do anything. Moreover, Ceng Yi learned from Han Guisheng that the person who helped deliver the report was Liu Xiang. Ceng Yi appreciated Liu Xiang's courage and sense of justice. As for other aspects, Ceng Yi felt that they could be changed by pointing out. Take Zeng Yi for example, he used to be a wandering herbalist. When he met with injustice, he had to take care of it. Even if he didn't agree with each other, he could draw his fists against each other. But now, who dares to say that Zeng Yi is a rookie in officialdom? Half an hour later, Bao Qifan led a young man of twenty-eight or twenty-nine years old to come in. It was estimated that he was Liu Xiang. He was a graduate of a famous university. He was very gentle and dressed simply, but very clean and refreshing. Ceng Yi's first impression of Liu Xiang was not bad. He said, "I lack an assistant here. Xiao Liu, you are responsible for it for the time being. Director Bao will explain the specific things to you." Liu Xiang said: "County Magistrate, Director Bao has told me, I will work hard to do your service work!" " Ceng Yi nods, it seems that this Liu Xiang has sat on the bench these years, or some reflection and change, at least the kind of arrogance of the great talent is much less. If there is nothing else, I will go out first. Liu Xiang asked for instructions,PET bottle Mold, saw that the water in Zeng Yi's cup was not enough, immediately filled it up, and then politely retreated.

Antworten Zuletzt bearbeitet am 23.08.2022 03:59.

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