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93, female


Posts: 2

Re: mr bet site

from marianellefson on 05/18/2021 12:13 PM

Society needs people who are able to think critically about the world from a broad perspective as I learned when write my research paper. A narrow focus on science or a circumscribed skill set does not accomplish that for society at large.



93, female


Posts: 2

Re: Online Game

from marianellefson on 05/13/2021 02:45 PM

In my undergraduate mechanical engineering program at a flagship state university 20 years ago, I took courses in sociology, history, art, economics, philosophy, literature, and music. Every semester had at least one course outside the areas of engineering, science, or math. Some were general education requirements, others were electives that were required to be outside the major - the intent is to ensure well-rounded graduates.


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